Before you begin sharing your unique referral link, please ensure that you and your team adhere to our responsible referral guidelines when sharing your unique referral link.
When someone clicks on your unique referral link, they are directed to the Unloan website, where they can explore and review product features and decide on whether Unloan is suitable for them.
They can reach out via our live chat functionality to chat with our Customer Service Team to ask any questions about the product and their eligibility.
How does the website know it’s my link?
Each time someone clicks on your unique referral link, we redirect them to the Unloan website. Any loan application started within a 90-day window of the click is attributed to the referrer.
For us to verify that it’s your unique referral link, the home loan application needs to be started:
In the same browser as the click.
Within 90 days of the click.
We will not be able to verify that it’s your link if that person:
clicks your link on their mobile device, but starts their application on a different device (i.e. their laptop), or
clicks your link and it opens a session in one browser e.g. Safari but starts their application in a different browser e.g. Chrome, even if it is on the same device.
The method of tracking set out above may be subject to change.
What does the customer see?
Customers who click on your unique referral link are informed that they have been referred to Unloan by a third party. It is also disclosed that you may receive commission. Here are some examples below, but these are subject to change.
Web banner containing a disclaimer
The message states:
“You’ve arrived via a referral link and we may pay your referrer a financial benefit.
Please use your own judgement in deciding whether Unloan is a good fit for you. Learn more.”
Prior to starting an application
After approval within the Loan Schedule
What can I see?
When you log into the Referrer Portal, you will see the total clicks your unique referral link has received. However, you will not be able to see which individual customers have clicked on your link.
To minimise risk, we will not provide you with status updates (e.g. application started, approved etc) regarding loan applications that relate to your unique referral link. For more information, please refer to: How do I access my Referrer Portal?
We’re here to help
If you have any questions about what happens when someone clicks a link, please contact us at [email protected].